QUEEN OF THE DEAD: Lollipop bright yellow contacts

The color of demon eyes comes in a variation: red, yellow, black, white and so on, and by which, you can identify the character of the demon.

For demons having red eyes, they are “cross-road” demons; for those with white eyes, they are the demon chiefs of the staff; as for demons with yellow eyes, they are the generals of the demon army.


And here is the Queen of the Dead, the talented makeup artist @black.cat.sensei.

We became in love with it at the first sight of it, the lip with wild fiendish fang, the neck with skull face and the colorful gems on the face. It’s not a simply evil creature, but the queen as sacred as Holy Mother, and the inner elegant temperament of @black.cat.sensei plus WhereColour Lollipop Bright Yellow Contacts help it.

Feel free to add some surrealism to your custom with WhereColour Lollipop Bright Yellow Contacts, you can follow @black.cat.sensei’s excellent example to rule your own army of demon, or any other crazy and dangerous character makeup comes through your mind. And we welcome your TAGGING US on Instagram to let us know!!